In 2012 we found out we were pregnant and we were over the moon. Our baby was due on 28th March 2013 and we couldn’t wait to meet her. The weeks passed and on the 23rd December 2012, our wedding anniversary, my husband Rodson and I sat down to breakfast at work and a little while later my waters broke. I rushed to St. Mary’s Maternity Unit, Poole, thinking how amazing it was that we were going to meet our baby soon; but she was only 22 weeks 3 days. Still thinking everything would be ok I was admitted to the SPRING suite. On 24th December 2012 we met out little girl Angel, but only to have our hearts shatter into a million pieces as she only had thirty precious moments with us. All we could do was hold her while she took her last breath and went to sleep forever. Never in a million years did we imagine this would or could happen. Leaving the hospital without her was heart-breaking – we felt such emptiness. The days, weeks and months that followed were the hardest times of our lives and all we wanted was to have our beautiful Angel.
As time went by we decided that we wanted Angel to have a brother or sister and became pregnant again in May 2013. Missing Angel so very much and being pregnant with our rainbow baby was very hard, but we had been blessed and given another chance. We were so excited. We lost Angel due to an incompetent cervix, so we knew that this pregnancy wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, but thanks to the doctors, midwives and nurses at St. Mary’s Maternity Unit, who did everything possible, our baby arrived safely. When I was 14 weeks pregnant I knew something wasn’t quite right so I went to the hospital only to find out my cervix had shortened. I was then given an emergency cervical stitch and from that point on I had fortnightly appointments until the 4th January 2014 when our beautiful little girl Marnie was born. She was 5 weeks early and weighed 5lb 1oz. After spending 2 days in NICU she was allowed to stay on the ward with me and we were able to go home ten days later.
Please don’t give up hope if you are waiting for your little rainbow. Miracles do happen. We now have two beautiful daughters; one who we can watch grow up and one flying high in the sky. Sleep tight our beautiful little Angel xx