SPRING is here to help parents and families through the worst possible time in their lives.
We support parents and relatives through baby loss – at any stage of pregnancy, at or just after birth – whatever the circumstances and however long ago.

SPRING was established in 1998 to provide support to parents and relatives who have experienced the death of a baby during pregnancy, at, or just after birth. This includes miscarriage, stillbirth and termination for foetal abnormality. Over the years SPRING has evolved to help many families and friends through such devastating times
SPRING was established in 1998 to provide support to parents and relatives who have experienced the death of a baby during pregnancy, at, or just after birth. This includes miscarriage, stillbirth and termination for foetal abnormality. Over the years SPRING has evolved to help many families and friends through such devastating times.
The aim of SPRING is to support through grief at the point of loss, delivery and beyond. SPRING works closely with medical professionals to help provide a high level of care to bereaved families, alongside regular NHS services.
We are also here to support and care through subsequent pregnancies. We have a genuine understanding of the concerns that can be experienced and we are here to help.
“When we lost our first daughter, SPRING were amazing. From the midwives, doctors, counsellors and everyone else involved. They have continuously helped and supported me through subsequent losses and current pregnancy…i, along with family members, don’t think we could have got through the last few years without SPRING Support.”
The Bereavement Suites at St. Mary’s Maternity Unit are partly funded by SPRING and provide space for parents and families to spend precious time with their baby before saying goodbye.
Our professional specialist counselling service provides confidential individual counselling and trained facilitators provide monthly open support meetings.
Our support is available to bereaved parents and relatives living in Poole, Bournemouth and surrounding areas.
SPRING is part of University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity.

Follow us on social media @Spring support